Sunday, February 8, 2009

A rough night

Sometimes you play horribly and still win. And sometimes you play well and you don't.

Played three tournaments Saturday night, including my first $26 tournament. Totaled $48 in and nothing out.

But here are the hands I went out on:

Tournament one: Ks8c vs. QsJd. I was short stacked but I still got my chips in as a 57-43 favorite. Villain ended up pairing his Q and his J. This would have been a forgettable way to end a tournament if not for the other two tournaments.

Tournament two: AdKc vs. KdQs. This wasn't the final hand, but it crippled me. If I win, I'm in the middle of the pack with three tables left (of five). Villain flopped a gutshot straight draw and turned a Q to win the hand. A bit of a loose raise early for him, I thought. A crazy call of my push, I believe.

Tournament three: AcQs vs. QhTs. Second straight tournament I went out after having someone dominated. Villain pushed from the small blind and I called from the big. He turned a T to knock me out. If I win the hand, I have an average stack nine-handed.

Some nights you want to kick yourself for playing poorly. Other nights, you simply shut the computer off and go to bed. No use losing sleep over taking bad beats as long as you played well.

Current bankroll: $1,080.

OPR ranking: 98.14.

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